Say hello to your new superpower.

What's Polygo?My InternWhy now?

Hello Factory alumni!

FF Group are proud to be launching **Polygo** - the UK’s first talent accelerator. Polygo’s Founding Cohort’s one-month bootcamp kicks off at the start of Feb & we’re excited to offer you a group of proactive, superstar grads chomping at the bit to help your existing teams get things done quicker. They will be available to work in your businesses from early March.

To make cost-efficient, high-impact, no-risk hires in 2023, Founders Forum Group have something in store…

<aside> 🍀 Think of the skillsets you wish your team had…

Enter Polygo, powered by Founders Forum. Polygo is the startup ecosystem’s graduate intern engine. We find, train and match you with an exceptional graduate intern, trained with high-impact skills like the above. Proactive and productive from Day One.


⭐ ”I thought interns made tea” … think again!

2023 is different. Today, we’re reinventing the word “intern”. What does that mean for you?

What kind of Polygo interns (we call them Polygons!) are ready to work in your business? We’ve picked out a few people from our Founding Cohort we think you’ll love…

Example Polygon profiles for Factory startups (click to read more!)

<aside> 💡 Someone’s skillset catch your eye? Fill out the below Typeform by Fri 3rd February to save your space.
